
6 days left on our countdown to our due date! Who knows when he'll be here! I didn't think I was going to make it this long...I thought for sure he would be born early. We still have a few days left I suppose! Two college friends had their babies this weekend, one mom from daycare is having a c-section on Wednesday to deliver twins, and about 3 other college/high school friends and myself are due any day! Babies, babies, everywhere! I just wish we all lived closer so all our kids could be buddies. :)
We're anxiously awaiting our turn to meet our son. I think he's going to look just like his daddy! I'm gonna feel like the odd ball out in family pictures! :)
I think my belly is starting to drop. I've been getting up to go to the bathroom a few times during the night and many times during the day. Thank you Lord that it has only just started in the last 3 days and not throughout the entire pregnancy!!! We go for our last scheduled doctor's appointment Thursday and are anxious to see if there is any progress. Zac is hoping we don't make it until then. He'd like Reese to be born on April 1st!
Please continue to check back here for updates over the next few days and of course....announcement and pictures from the hospital! Thanks for all the love and support! We feel very blessed! :)
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