That's right....Eighteen.
Eighteen days.
Eighteen days or less (or more) until we meet our son.
We couldn't be more excited! Our doctor's appointment went well yesterday. Everything seems to be progressing well and starting next week we will check regularly for dilation and effacing. He is head down and ready...he just needs to drop! The only issues I have had over the last week or so is practice contractions (pulsating in my back and running up my spine) and oddly, heartburn! I have only experienced heartburn a few different times during the pregnancy, but over the last 3 days or so it has been persistent. Tums are my yummy friend now!
The crib is ordered and will be here soon! We are on a waiting list for the dresser/changing table and will be ordering as soon as possible. For the time being we'll have to change diapers on the bed or couch. The bassinet doesn't vibrate like we had hoped, but that's not a major deal at all. I can rock it.
Bags are packed and in the car. Waiting for a call back to make an appointment to have the Fire Department do a car seat inspection. Trying to get all last minute details done and lists made so that Zac knows exactly what to do, where to go, who to call, what to bring, etc. I'm also still working. As tiring as it is some days and my patience level is starting lower, I know the Lord is giving me supernatural strength to get through each day. We need the money for as long as possible and as long as I can still do my job and do it well, I'm there. We're on a "play it day to day" basis. My estimated last day at work will probably be Friday, April 3rd as that is two days before the due date...unless baby decides to come early.
We're going out to dinner tonight with Nicole and Jeremy...probably one of our last times as just the 2 Holmes'. I'm excited for a Strawberry-Kiwi Lemonade at Applebee's! :)
16 Blocks 2006 Dailymotion
5 years ago
Aww man. Im jealous!