Four days until our due date. Today is my Grandma Spencer's birthday, so really son, if you want to come is a good day! : ) I'm sure she'd be excited to have her first great grandchild share a birthday with her. Zac would like today too...even though it's considered "April Fools".
I had to assure Zac yesterday that if I call him and tell him that I'm in labor or something today that it was NO JOKE! I couldn't do something like that to him (or anyone)!
As we get ready to celebrate the new life of our son, today I have a funeral to attend to celebrate the life of a dear family friend who has graduated on to heaven. Thanks to everyone who prayed for the Sharon Knibbs family. No prayers were unheard or unanswered--even though one might say she never received her healing, I believe she Heaven. Please pray for the family as they continue to struggle to know the Lord's will over the next few days and years.
After today only 2 more days of work until I can rest....or have a baby! I'm looking forward to not having to wake up so early, get ready and be responsible for taking care of so many people and needs. I know I'll have a baby at home to wake me up at ridiculous times of night, but at least I can try to go back to sleep for a bit!
Gotta go or I'll be late for work. Love to all! :)
16 Blocks 2006 Dailymotion
5 years ago
I am excited for you two, I cant wait to meet little Reese! I'm going to put together a book/reading list for you two, it will help you out alot to make some decisions :)