Friday, November 26, 2010

It's been a while....

I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated!  Looking back at my last post--which I never had the opportunity to follow through with another post on--it was just before Reese's first birthday.  Now the boy is almost 20 months old, growing big, talking lots, and loves to love on everyone!  He is now in the toddler class at school and has circle time everyday.  We are seeing the fruits of his teachers' labor because he is starting to have a large vocabulary.  Some of the words that he can say are:

Dad, Dada, Dad Dad
Mom, Momma, Mom Mom
Kyle (or Kykle)
Car (and vroom vroom)
Van (pronounced Ban)
Train (and choo choo)
Juice (even milk is juice)
What's that?
No No
I don't know

We're excited to see more of his vocabulary flourish--and we're already starting to hear him try to put two or more words together to make a sentence.  One time he babbled off a full sentence and it sounded like he said, "I want to watch Elmo too much!"  This kid is hilarious!  We are grateful to the Lord for blessing us with such a sweet little man who is full of joy, love and humorous moments!  Reese also has a best friend that he carries with him almost anywhere: Woody.  He loves, loves, loves Buzz and Woody and anything Toy Story.  Takes after his Uncle Drew!  Good thing we decided to get him his big boy bedding for Christmas...a Toy Story themed room!  I sure hope he likes them still in a few years!

We recently moved from our small apartment to a beautiful home.  We are renting a duplex and our neighbors on the other side of the house are awesome--because it's my younger brother, his fiance and baby!  We each have 1100 square feet of home with two bedroom, one bath and basement.  We are loving it!  We may not have a closet in the master or any counter top space or outlets in the kitchen, but he have love for each other (and now this beautiful home) and we have been blessed with creative minds and ideas, as well as a super organizer helper in our good family friend Alta!

I'm sure there could be lots more that I could update you all with but for now we'll make this small!  I've been seeing friends do a 30-day challenge on the blog and I'm wondering if I have enough time in my busy schedule to keep up with it--or even if my hubby will let me see the computer everyday!  : )

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