has proven to be a difficult one for us. We started the year off with everyone in the house sick. With everyone having difficulties sleeping. With everyone feeling overworked and exhausted. Finally, within the last week we have gotten some much needed answers.
Let's talk about Reese first: We are learning that most of our difficulties with sleep are steamed back to his first ear infection and teething. Reese woke up on Friday, January 22nd with a deep cough in his chest. I had to make the decision if I was going to be a mom or an employee that day. When you wake up and find your child sick, it's hard to call into work last minute. I had to call Aunt Tam and see if she could watch Reese for us. My mother-in-law ended up being able to take him to the doctor that day and he was diagnosed with an ear infection. He was put on Amoxicillin and we thought we were on the road to recovery. Well, over the course of the weekend we felt like he just still wasn't himself and there was still something going on so Monday, January 25th I had a half-day at work and decided to take him back in for a check-up. Once we got to the doctor we found out that his ear infection had actually gotten worse but that his lungs were clear and he was getting all the oxygen he needed. We were sent to the hospital for x-rays just to be sure. Reese had to sit on a mini bicycle seat in the middle of a small table in just his diaper. I had to hold his arms above his head and then some Plexiglas was closed all around him. The x-rays came out completely clear showing no signs of pneumonia or bronchitis! Now, here we are on Thursday the 28th and Reese is back to his playful, curious, smiley self! Thankfully the antibiotics are working and he's sleeping much better. We even have sight of his first tooth that is starting to emerge! He has been a trooper through this all!
As for Zac, today on my lunch I had to go to the grocery store and while I was there I picked him up a small card and a box of Andes Mints. I filled out the card when I got to my car and traveled for a surprise visit to him at work. When I walked in the receptionist said that he was getting ready to leave. I was confused because he had just gotten there about 45 minutes beforehand. As I walked back to him his back was to me so I said "So, where do you think you're going?" He turned and looked at me and said something like "You're the best wife. You know exactly what I need." I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was going to the hospital because he was having chest pains, shortness of breath and dizziness. My mind started reeling because I knew that I had to go back to work and there was no one who could cover me so I could go with Zac. Then there was Reese. Who would take him? We prayed together before I had to go back to work and Zac and his mom went to the hospital. I was told that I could be the first one out at work, but that was about all we could do. I received two phone calls over the course of the afternoon. The first was my mother-in-law letting me know that Zac was being taken back for x-rays to check for pneumonia and bronchitis. The second was Zac letting me know that everything came back clear on those and that he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. When we all ended up at home tonight he proceeded to tell me that he was contagious and that we need not kiss for a few days and needed to disinfect everything.
Now, as for myself, I have been sick on and off since Christmas Eve and am currently dealing with a deep cough. Maybe all this vaporizer stuff in the air at home, plus the leftover amoxicillin, and the Sudafed Zac has to take (which I'll take too) with help me kick whatever before it becomes anything substantial.
Please be in prayer for our family. That's really what we've clung to these last few weeks and we are seeing God work in awesome ways for us. My next blog has been writing itself in my head for a few days now and it will be on what I have been learning during my fast this year. (Our fast started at sundown January 10th and ends on January 31st.) With being sick I've had to tweek my fast to fit my physical health needs but I believe the Lord knows my heart.
Thanks for reading and remembering us in your prayers!
16 Blocks 2006 Dailymotion
5 years ago
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