Well, we started our Christmas shopping for Reese and we're proud to say that after 4 toy choices we are ALMOST DONE! This was the first time (and probably only time) that we took Reese with us and let him help us pick out his gifts. He seemed so excited about all of the gifts, but especially one specific one. We even put him on the floor in Kmart and let him play with it. He loved it! The layaway lady was joking about how she is the "bad lady who takes away all the toys until Christmas"! Reese is too young to even understand that but his face sure looked sad when he realized we weren't taking them home with us today. Here are the items we've put in layaway for Reese's first Christmas!

The V-Tech Laptop (mentioned in previous post). A boy after daddy's own heart....electronics! We're hoping to get him his own fake Blackberry too so he can be just like Mommy and Daddy!

Leapfrog Spin and Sing alphabet. This will teach Reese his alphabet, animals, and animal sounds!

A Plush Grover that is probably just as big as Reese is right now! Zac asked what Reese would do with it and I said "Cuddle it and carry it around!" We showed it to Reese to see if he wanted it and he was smiling and trying to reach for him.

This ended up being the toy that Reese was the most excited about. It is called "Izzy Inchworm" and can be attached to his stroller. The middle ball on the worm is a compartment with a snap lid where we can put cheerios (or snack of choice) while the other balls have music, mirrors, toys, etc. This is the toy that Reese sat on the floor in Kmart playing with. This is the toy that I had to put away while Zac walked Reese away. This is the toy that Reese seemed the most sad about when the lady was bagging it up for layaway. I'm sure by now that Reese has no recollection about it, but by Christmas morning I'm sure all that joy and excitement will come upon him again. Reese will only be just shy of 9 months at Christmas but we believe that he is going to be full of awe and wonder on Christmas morning and just as excited as any other older child.
There are a few other small things that we'd like to get him like clothes, books (which I pretty much have stocked up on thanks to my job and Scholastic book orders!), and hopefully a toy that will help him learn how to walk. We're excited to spend this first holiday with our Mr. Man! Zac's parents are going to Hawaii the beginning of December but will be back in time to spend Reese's first Christmas with him. My dad and step-mom are flying to Florida on Christmas Eve and will be missing Reese's first Christmas. I'm pretty bummed, but life goes on!
Well, I've sneezed like 72 times tonight alone so I think I'm going to head to bed and rest up for a big day tomorrow! Church, lesson planning and the David Crowder concert. It's sure to be a great day! : )