Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween 2009-Part 2

Grandma Julie is so good about making sure that people feel loved and appreciated and she does it in some of the simplest ways: cute little gifts. You can always count on her to give you small gifts for occasions such as birthdays, Mother's/Father's Day, Valentine's, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's, etc. This is Reese's second (I believe) gift basket from Grandma Julie. Here is a video of Mommy (okay, only my voice) and Reese as we open his Halloween gift basket!

Reese really enjoyed all the good things that Grandma Julie gave him!

When the night was through, this is what Reese came home and did: Rested with Daddy on the couch to watch television!

It was an exhausting day and we're all here waiting to fall asleep on the couch! It was a rough night last night due to teething. Reese slept in our bed and we all had a very restless night. Here's praying for tonight to be much better and for those teeth to come in quickly and smoothly!

Halloween 2009-Part 1

This is Reese's first BIG holiday (if we can call it a "holiday")! When I was pregnant last year I was shopping at Toys 'R Us and saw the perfect Halloween costume....a costume that I had seen for years and wanted to buy one day when I had a baby. Since it was after Halloween it was marked way down on clearance. So, I bought it on a whim! It was a cute little Pea Pod costume (very multi-gender appropriate) and I paid around $6.49 for it. It has sat in the closet ever since and I was praying that Reese would be able to wear it for Halloween. I put him in it a few days ago and he just barely fits! Good thing I found it on clearance! Here are the adventures of Reese's first Halloween:

First, Reese and Grandma Julie came to visit Mommy at work during the Halloween Party!

It was Mommy's early day off of work so we took the opportunity to go visit Great Grandma...or GiGi as we thought of calling her.

Since we were in the area we decided to go see Papa Dale too!

And of course since we were there, he saw Pretty too!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Well, we started our Christmas shopping for Reese and we're proud to say that after 4 toy choices we are ALMOST DONE! This was the first time (and probably only time) that we took Reese with us and let him help us pick out his gifts. He seemed so excited about all of the gifts, but especially one specific one. We even put him on the floor in Kmart and let him play with it. He loved it! The layaway lady was joking about how she is the "bad lady who takes away all the toys until Christmas"! Reese is too young to even understand that but his face sure looked sad when he realized we weren't taking them home with us today. Here are the items we've put in layaway for Reese's first Christmas!

The V-Tech Laptop (mentioned in previous post). A boy after daddy's own heart....electronics! We're hoping to get him his own fake Blackberry too so he can be just like Mommy and Daddy!

Leapfrog Spin and Sing alphabet. This will teach Reese his alphabet, animals, and animal sounds!

A Plush Grover that is probably just as big as Reese is right now! Zac asked what Reese would do with it and I said "Cuddle it and carry it around!" We showed it to Reese to see if he wanted it and he was smiling and trying to reach for him.

This ended up being the toy that Reese was the most excited about. It is called "Izzy Inchworm" and can be attached to his stroller. The middle ball on the worm is a compartment with a snap lid where we can put cheerios (or snack of choice) while the other balls have music, mirrors, toys, etc. This is the toy that Reese sat on the floor in Kmart playing with. This is the toy that I had to put away while Zac walked Reese away. This is the toy that Reese seemed the most sad about when the lady was bagging it up for layaway. I'm sure by now that Reese has no recollection about it, but by Christmas morning I'm sure all that joy and excitement will come upon him again. Reese will only be just shy of 9 months at Christmas but we believe that he is going to be full of awe and wonder on Christmas morning and just as excited as any other older child.

There are a few other small things that we'd like to get him like clothes, books (which I pretty much have stocked up on thanks to my job and Scholastic book orders!), and hopefully a toy that will help him learn how to walk. We're excited to spend this first holiday with our Mr. Man! Zac's parents are going to Hawaii the beginning of December but will be back in time to spend Reese's first Christmas with him. My dad and step-mom are flying to Florida on Christmas Eve and will be missing Reese's first Christmas. I'm pretty bummed, but life goes on!

Well, I've sneezed like 72 times tonight alone so I think I'm going to head to bed and rest up for a big day tomorrow! Church, lesson planning and the David Crowder concert. It's sure to be a great day! : )

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reese's Christmas List

While strolling the aisles at Target today I realized that my little boy will be enjoying his very first Christmas at almost 9 months old very soon! Looking at all the toys was a bit overwhelming because we want our son to enjoy the awesomeness of opening presents (mainly toys) but knowing that we have:

1.) Very limited funds
2.) Very limited storage/space
3.) Developmental milestones that we want to hit and
not overstimulate by choosing toys that are beyond his developmental abilities at the moment.

Here are a few things that Reese (as we think) would like:

This is called the "Elmo Knows My Name" phone. When you plug it into the computer you can match your child's name to the phone and Elmo and friends will personally say your child's name and leave voicemails for them periodically. Elmo knows over 15,000 names and Reese is one of them! I think Reese would love to hear Elmo say his name!

Price: $14.99 at Target

The is "Tubby Tug Fishing Boat Bath Toy". I saw this and thought that it was pretty darn cute. Reese will be sitting up in the bathtub soon and this would be a cute toy for him to play with. Of course, any other bath toys would be fun and welcomed, but Momma thinks the tug boat is adorable!

Price: $18.39 at Target

Next runner up is the "V-Tech Baby Laptop". This is so Reese and so his daddy too! We showed this to Reese at the store and his face just lit up. Anything with lights and sounds (and really anything technological altogether) is A Okay in Reese's book!

Price: $15.99 at Target

Anything "Toy Story" or Buzz Lightyear. Reese seems to be intrigued by Buzz, his voice and all of his features. An original Buzz in the box like in the movie would be a great collectible to put on the shelf.

Price: $14.99-99.99

"Presenting the further adventures of everybody's favorite superhero, the man who is faster than lightening, stronger than steel, smarter than a speeding's Super Grover!" Whenever Super Grover comes on the television Reese starts giggling. In fact, that was the first time we heard him really giggle around 3 weeks old watching Grover sneeze! Any Sesame Street plush toys or hand puppets would be nice. He likes Grover, Elmo, Oscar, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, etc.

Price: $7.00 at

To be continued....

What's for dinner?

Well, tonight was one of those nights where dinner became a "what do we have?" or "fend for yourself" nights. So we started out with an appetizer of chips and salsa,

For our main course we had spaghetti

And for dessert we ended with hot, store bought (not as good as homemade) Monkey Bread!
Bon Appetite!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good things are happening...

Wow! Has it really been 4 months since I updated?!?! Well, I guess it shows how crazy busy we are here in the Holmes Household! In mid-May I went back to work full-time and in mid-June I switched daycare locations and positions. I absolutely love my new job, but it is quite exhausting! I teach 20 three-year olds everyday then come home to my own infant (and husband). Let's just say that momma requires lots and lots of sleep for now!

Reese is an amazing little man! He is growing and learning way too fast for us. He is so smart! He will be turning 6 months old on Sunday, October 4th and there are many new milestones for him:

~Reese has been rolling over for almost 2 months now and is starting to bear his head into the floor and get up on his toes. An early sign of trying to crawl (or creep).

~Reese has been eating cereal and applesauce for about 2 months as well and has been on vegetables for one whole week so far! We started with Sweet Potatoes, of which he is doing fabulously with! I think we're gonna have a good eater on our hands!

~Today, I think I felt the slightest of sharpness on his gums which is probably the beginning of his first tooth! (And if his behavior the last week or so is any signs of how he will be with this whole teething process...Thank you Jesus for such a strong little man! He is an amazing teether!)

~Lots of babbling has been happening lately too! Although I know the things he says are not intentional yet a few of the words we've heard are: "Momma, Dada, Nana, Yum, and All done (seriously, Zac and I both heard something that sounded like it!)

~He still makes the best faces that we've ever seen! He's quite the comedian!

~Reese loves being outside! As soon as the door opens his face lights up! He loves going on walks in the stroller with his grandma when she comes to watch him on Mondays. He is in awe of the outdoors and everything around. A walk in the stroller will help calm him and make him fall asleep. Zac and I are confused as to who he got his love of outdoors from since neither one of us really is outdoorsy.

~Reese falls asleep every night anywhere between 8:30 and 10:00pm and doesn't wake up until 8:00-8:30am. I can't remember the last time we had to wake up in the middle of the night or early morning to feed him. Most days we are waking him up by 8:30am so he can start his day! He's got skills. Sleeping skills. Learned/inherited from both mom and dad!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"It won't be like this for long..."

*Love that song (my blog title) by Darius Rucker. If you haven't heard it yet you must. It is a real tear jerker. Still gets me every time!*

Reese is now 7 1/2 weeks old! There has been so much happening and not enough time to blog about it. So, here is a rundown of things that have been a happening over the course of the last month:
  • Reese weighed 7lbs. 10oz. at his one-month checkup on May 4th. Today, May 27th, he weighed 9lbs!
  • He has been sleeping through the night since the second day we came home from the hospital. He used to wake me up every two hours on the dot for a feeding, but now we can go in 4-5 hour stretches, and sometimes even longer!
  • He has smiled since week two of life. The smiles are more frequent now, especially when his tummy is full! He is such a beautiful little guy.
  • He is cooing lots and lots too! We love hearing him "talk" to us and we can't wait to hear what his voice will sound like someday soon.
  • He has the best faces ever! We think he'll be a little comedian just like his Uncle Drew was when he was little. We love the furrowed brows and cross eyes that he makes quite often. He makes us laugh on a daily basis.
  • He has been rolling over from back to side and sometimes belly since week two of life. He is such a strong little boy. He lifts his head and stands/pushes against our bellies very well.
  • He is finally wearing size 1 diapers and starting to fit into newborn clothes!
  • We just started him on rice cereal because he seemed oh so hungry and I didn't feel that he was being adequately fed by me. He has been doing so well being spoon fed the cereal. No throwing up or major spit ups yet and it really helps him sleep through the night. He slept from 9:30pm to 5:00am two nights ago!
  • I went back to work on May 18th after being on maternity leave for 6 weeks. My time off went by really fast and it has been hard to be back and away from my son, but I know he is in good hands. Zac gets to spend time with him as well as my mom, Zac's mom, Aunt Tammy, Keely and whoever else might be available to help.
  • He is now on a rotating schedule of breast milk and formula since so far I have not been able to produce enough milk for three bottles a day while I am gone. (Man, formula is expensive, even though I haven't had to buy any yet.)
  • He loves his swing and sadly I must admit that it is where he sleeps the majority of the time. We've tried the crib but as soon as you put him down he wakes up. I think it is just way too big and has a lot of empty space that it freaks him out a little bit.
  • All in all, we are really impressed with just how advanced and strong this little man is. We are so proud to be parents to such an amazing and really good baby. He amazes us each and everyday with his new advancements or smiles. He really melts our hearts and has a huge fan club wherever he goes. We love him to pieces!

One last thing: We had asked for prayer for Reese concerning his health and I'd just like to report that, Praise the Lord, everything is okay! We had found a lump above his left breast and were concerned about either a calcium deposit or a swollen lymph node. I took him to the doctor today and he said he is just fine! It is from hormones in my breast milk. I am to do nothing to it and let it heal on its own. As long as it doesn't become red and irritated or engorged anymore he should be just fine. Praise the Lord!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I need to update..


Just as soon as I get some time to myself.

All you moms understand, don't you?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, I got loud with God today...

Yep, it's true. I yelled at God today. Okay, more of a yelling out to God but still.

It's been a rough week. My son has begun his three week growth spurt and it is a very demanding process on me. He eats pretty much every two hours on the hour. After feeding for about a half hour each time it doesn't leave me much time for rest. Plus I thought my milk was starting to dry up or something, but I'm learning that my body is regulating itself and producing exactly what Reese needs and requires. If he is only taking 2 ounces per feeding then that is what my body is producing at each feeding. I used to be able to pump 4-5 ounces in just over 20 minutes, but now I am lucky if I get 2 ounces in the same time. I was a bit worried, but now knowing that he is in the midst of a phase it is a little easier to understand.

With the demand of this feeding schedule also comes a huge lack of sleep. Sometimes he is so hungry that he is inconsolable. My thoughts are usually "Child, you just ate an hour ago. I've got nothing left." But, regardless if I have 2 ounces or just a few drips, he needs to be on the boob and he needs to know that I care for him and will provide my best.

It has been a busy week with Zac working a lot and not able to be home to help me get any rest. With that has come an emotional roller coaster. I know that the only reason I am so emotional is because I am so tired and feel so demanded. Zac wanted me to go with him this evening to an event put on by a kid Zac's age who started his own company. He is having a panel of business owners present information for those who want to start their own business. I'd like to go with him, but with Reese's last few rough days I'm not sure I can. I'm kind of waiting until the last minute to decide what to do. It depends on how many bottles I have pumped and if he gets any rest. I would feel bad leaving a screaming baby with someone (in this case Zac's parents) for a few hours.

So, all of this put together led me to yell at God. This morning around 11am Reese was crying because he was so tired and wouldn't sleep and I just stood up, threw my hands up and yelled "Lord! I need your help! I am so tired! I can't do this by myself! I need you!" Ten minutes later my little guy was asleep, I took a two-hour nap, and at almost 1:45pm he is still currently sleeping soundly!!! :) Praise the Lord! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Week Home Milestones

Reese is now one week old today! It is amazing to believe that only a week ago he was still in my belly and I was feeling little kicks and jabs here and there. Now, he has been with us for 7 days and we are seeing all those movements in the flesh. We are so blessed with such a wonderful baby. Our kid is awesome!

In the last week we have approached many milestones:
We've learned how to take good naps

We've learned how to Praise Jesus!

We are starting to enjoy our baths

We are grasping the concept of trying to suck on our fingers

We went on a walk to get the mail

We hung out in a sling so Mommy could do the dishes

And we've slept through the night 3 nights in a row! Thank you Lord! :)
We are sooo blessed with such a precious little man! He is quite popular with the ladies! :) We stopped by the church last night so Mommy could attend the women's monthly program called Church Ladies and everyone just loved him! :)

This weekend we celebrate Easter and the life that Christ sacrificed for our sins and the fact that he was resurrected into a new life which gives us freedom...but we will also celebrate the New Life he has blessed our families with. Thank you Father for giving your son...we cannot even comprehend giving our son up for such a cause. Thank you for the love and adoration you have given us for our son. We are ever in awe of you and the fact that you would choose us to be Reese's parents. We love you! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our home has just been enlarged by two feet....

We are so proud to announce the birth of our son Reese Jackson Holmes!

He was born on Saturday, April 4th, 2009 at 2:20pm

7 pounds, 4 ounces, 19 inches long

Mommy and baby are doing well. Daddy is tired too!

We'll update our birth story later after we get home and settled in.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hospital time...

Doctor says to head to the hospital now...will update as soon as we know something...pray this isn't a false alarm!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Almost there...

Went to the doctor today. He says that last time I was dilated a "fingertip" but this time I am just about 2 centimeters. Also, he stripped my membrane (will spare the males reading this the details) and I am now almost 80% effaced. We scheduled an appointment for Monday, but he says he'd be very surprised if he saw me. Considering he's been doing this for years and has seen this many times, I fully trust his outlook on it. If for some reason my body doesn't progress the way he thinks, that's okay. We'll go Monday for an ultrasound to make sure Reese is in the right position and I have enough fluid, etc. If for some reason I hold out a few more days then on Thursday I'll go in again and we'll discuss induction. We're praying against that! We know that Reese will come on the day the Lord has planned for his birth, but he gave us doctor's for a reason and why not try to help my body progress? We're believing that my body will naturally take over from this point on and by the beginning of next week we'll have a sweet baby boy to cuddle and kiss! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Four days until our due date. Today is my Grandma Spencer's birthday, so really son, if you want to come is a good day! : ) I'm sure she'd be excited to have her first great grandchild share a birthday with her. Zac would like today too...even though it's considered "April Fools".

I had to assure Zac yesterday that if I call him and tell him that I'm in labor or something today that it was NO JOKE! I couldn't do something like that to him (or anyone)!

As we get ready to celebrate the new life of our son, today I have a funeral to attend to celebrate the life of a dear family friend who has graduated on to heaven. Thanks to everyone who prayed for the Sharon Knibbs family. No prayers were unheard or unanswered--even though one might say she never received her healing, I believe she Heaven. Please pray for the family as they continue to struggle to know the Lord's will over the next few days and years.

After today only 2 more days of work until I can rest....or have a baby! I'm looking forward to not having to wake up so early, get ready and be responsible for taking care of so many people and needs. I know I'll have a baby at home to wake me up at ridiculous times of night, but at least I can try to go back to sleep for a bit!

Gotta go or I'll be late for work. Love to all! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

6 days...

It's so weird to think that we went from THIS...


6 days left on our countdown to our due date! Who knows when he'll be here! I didn't think I was going to make it this long...I thought for sure he would be born early. We still have a few days left I suppose! Two college friends had their babies this weekend, one mom from daycare is having a c-section on Wednesday to deliver twins, and about 3 other college/high school friends and myself are due any day! Babies, babies, everywhere! I just wish we all lived closer so all our kids could be buddies. :)

We're anxiously awaiting our turn to meet our son. I think he's going to look just like his daddy! I'm gonna feel like the odd ball out in family pictures! :)

I think my belly is starting to drop. I've been getting up to go to the bathroom a few times during the night and many times during the day. Thank you Lord that it has only just started in the last 3 days and not throughout the entire pregnancy!!! We go for our last scheduled doctor's appointment Thursday and are anxious to see if there is any progress. Zac is hoping we don't make it until then. He'd like Reese to be born on April 1st!

Please continue to check back here for updates over the next few days and of course....announcement and pictures from the hospital! Thanks for all the love and support! We feel very blessed! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Single Digits

Tomorrow marks the single digit countdown. 9 days until due date. Crazy!

Physically, I feel great! By the end of the night my back hurts a bit but other than that everything is good. I am still working. My last day is next Friday, April 3rd. My due date is two days later. After going to the doctor yesterday it looks like everything is slowly progressing so we expect him on his due date or later. As much as we need the money, I also need a few days if he comes late that just means that the Lord saw fit that I needed a bit of rest. We are confident that the Lord will provide every financial need over the next few weeks while we will be without my paycheck....and we expect Him to do it in some creative ways!

Doctor says I am still dilated a "fingertip" and can still feel his head. While there we talked about how I have had a really good pregnancy as well as no swelling. I shouldn't speak so soon! Last night my ring finger was all itchy so I was trying to scratch it and realized that my rings were having a hard time moving up past my knuckle. So, needless to say...a small bit of swelling is occurring in my hands and I had to take one of my three rings off.

Things are still slowly coming together in Reese's room. There is only so much I can physically do and my husband is such a hard worker with two jobs, so it's not complete just quite yet. However, I did take pictures of what we do have done:
His crib all set up and laundered!

A few friends waiting for him to arrive!

His bassinet all ready for a little boy to sleep next to mommy!

His Easter outfit if he is here in time to wear it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


That's right....Eighteen.

Eighteen days.

Eighteen days or less (or more) until we meet our son.

We couldn't be more excited! Our doctor's appointment went well yesterday. Everything seems to be progressing well and starting next week we will check regularly for dilation and effacing. He is head down and ready...he just needs to drop! The only issues I have had over the last week or so is practice contractions (pulsating in my back and running up my spine) and oddly, heartburn! I have only experienced heartburn a few different times during the pregnancy, but over the last 3 days or so it has been persistent. Tums are my yummy friend now!

The crib is ordered and will be here soon! We are on a waiting list for the dresser/changing table and will be ordering as soon as possible. For the time being we'll have to change diapers on the bed or couch. The bassinet doesn't vibrate like we had hoped, but that's not a major deal at all. I can rock it.

Bags are packed and in the car. Waiting for a call back to make an appointment to have the Fire Department do a car seat inspection. Trying to get all last minute details done and lists made so that Zac knows exactly what to do, where to go, who to call, what to bring, etc. I'm also still working. As tiring as it is some days and my patience level is starting lower, I know the Lord is giving me supernatural strength to get through each day. We need the money for as long as possible and as long as I can still do my job and do it well, I'm there. We're on a "play it day to day" basis. My estimated last day at work will probably be Friday, April 3rd as that is two days before the due date...unless baby decides to come early.

We're going out to dinner tonight with Nicole and Jeremy...probably one of our last times as just the 2 Holmes'. I'm excited for a Strawberry-Kiwi Lemonade at Applebee's! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Little Miracle

This is a long awaited post and I have to say that I was waiting because I wanted my husband to share his portion of the story, but unfortunately he is out of town, so he'll have to edit later if I get it wrong!

Growing up I was always surrounded by children. My younger brother is five years younger than me so I was always a little mommy to him. I loved helping in the nursery and toddler classes at my church and as I got into my teens I became a teacher of a little girls class on Wednesday nights. I was always babysitting, helping in elementary classrooms at school, and assistant directing children's Christmas and Easter productions at church. I have known for such a long time that I absolutely loved children and all I wanted to do was be a mom. So, off I went to college to become a teacher because I figured until I could have children of my own I'd just love and teach other peoples kiddos.

About 20 miles away was a young kid named Zac who was learning about himself too. Around the age of 16, I believe, he was going through some tests and procedures and was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. CF is a disease that affects the lungs, liver, pancreas and intestines. It is usually found before birth through genetic testing. The life expectancy of a person with CF is in the early 30s. Many males become infertile due to this disease. Can you imagine being 16 years old and told that you probably will never have children?

Now fast forward to 2005 when Zac and I met. Almost immediately Zac learned how much I loved children. I remember the day he told me that he had CF. He told me not to look anything up on the internet because he didn't want it to scare me. Of course that would make anyone even more fearful! All I remember is pleading with the Lord that if Zac was to be my husband that he would heal him and keep him with me for a long time. Once Zac's parents met me and learned of my love for children I know their hearts broke. They remembered the fact that he may not be able to have children and their hearts were heavy for us.

Over the last few years I honestly never even thought about the fact that we may not be able to conceive. I had determined two things in my heart:
1.) That my husband has either been healed or misdiagnosed.
2.) That the Lord would not have put such a strong desire and love for children in my heart if he didn't have a plan for us to be parents.

We had enjoyed our first few years of wedded bliss and loved our freedom with each other. However, the baby bug started hitting me once a few different families in our church were beginning to announce their upcoming bundles of joy. Zac, however, was really enjoying his freedom and wasn't ready to give up some of the things he loved just quite yet.

I remember it well--Sunday July 6th after leaving his parents house late evening he stopped to the drug store to buy a few things while I stayed in the car with a headache. When he came out he seemed to be hiding something. I asked him for the receipt because we were trying to keep better records of our spending and he wouldn't let me have it. I was so mad at him. I couldn't think for the life of me what he could be hiding from me! Once we drove into our apartment complex I was anxious to get home and sleep away my headache, but he drove down to a parking spot by the lake and turned off the car. I just looked at him and asked him what he was doing because I really wanted to go home. He said he just wanted to talk to me about something. I'm thinking...oh we go. I've always thought the worst whenever he says something like that!

He tells me he has been doing a lot of thinking and the only way he could explain to me what he was going through was to give me something. He then reaches down between the seat and the car door and pulls out a box of 2 pregnancy tests. I was completely shocked! Then I started crying...really bad! Everything that he had been saying over the last few weeks, like not being able to stay out late anymore, or go on vacation by ourselves anymore, or losing a lot of sleep, etc. started coming to my mind and I decided I wasn't ready to give up that freedom just quite yet either.

I know...duh Amy. You're husband just said he's ready to jump on the baby boat with you and you retract your dream!

I cried all that night, the next day on and off, again the next day on and off and finally by Tuesday night I told him that if he was really serious then I was glad to start trying. Well, I started looking up all the information about when during the month I was most likely to conceive, etc. So, we started trying and just left it in the Lord's hands.

We went to Branson, Missouri July 20th-27th to teach a children's ministry during the Evangelical Church conference. One day we were in Kmart shopping and I had on a purple long cotton dress. I remember walking around and rubbing my belly because it felt a little pudgy that particular day. Zac said something to the fact of "quit rubbing your belly like that or people will think you're pregnant." We just laughed about it. The whole trip I was so tired...I slept everytime we got in the car for a drive. We came home and got back into our normal routine.

The last week of July I realized that I was "late". Trying not to be too anxious I decided to wait until I was 7 days late before I took a test. We talked on Friday August 1st about taking a test the next day if nothing happened. Of course, all night long I tossed and turned just thinking about it, so I got up early Saturday morning and snuck in the bathroom to take a test. After the 2 minutes or so...nothing. I threw it away and went about my day. I babysat a little girl, Allison, for about 8 hours. I came home and as I passed by the garbage the pregnancy test caught my eye. There were two distinct lines! After 8 hours all of a sudden it was a positive test! I could not comprehend that it would even be right. So, I took another test and it immediately showed up positive. I started crying and just wanted to talk to my husband.

Here is where I feel really bad: I called my husband and asked him what he was doing. He said he had just gotten off of work and was in the grocery store. I started crying and he asked what was wrong. I just blurted out through my tears "I'm pregnant!" To this day, he will tell you that all of a sudden he was completely lost in the aisle and couldn't find a single thing he was looking for! He came home and I was still crying! We hugged, we cried, we laughed, we danced. This was the moment we had waited for!....and not the way I had intended to tell him!

We decided to tell our family the next day and then our church family/friends the next week. I went to the local health department for an official test and they confirmed everything. All together I took 5 tests...4 at home and 1 at the health department! I was in complete shock so I just kept taking tests! :) The health department went through all the general questions and information and gave me my due date of April 5th, 2009. They then told me that conception most likely occured on Saturday, July 12th, 2008 (Ryan and Keely's weddding day...thanks guys!). Did you hear that? July 12th. We had finally decided on July 9th to start trying! That was 3 days! The Lord is soooo good!

If I can come across it I will post the powerpoint presentation that we used to tell our church family of our exciting news. We spoke our testimony about how the things that Satan intends for evil the Lord intends for good. We told Zac's story of CF and proclaimed the healing of his body and miracle of a child to come! I believe that day Satan was defeated in this aspect of our lives!

Who knows how many children the Lord has planned for us, but this little man who is about to grace our lives is our Miracle! We know that the Lord has BIG plans for our family and this little man! We've already given him to the Lord and can't wait to see his plan for bringing him into our lives. We are anxious to meet him as his due date is 26 days away! Our lives really are going to change dramatically so very soon, but we are so blessed and so humbled that the Lord has chosen us to be Reese's parents.

Praise the Lord! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Mornings...

Well, it seems like the best time I get to sit down and write is Sunday mornings. I enjoy my Sunday mornings to myself. For the time being it is quiet, stress-free and peaceful. It seems my internal clock is set and I wake up anywhere between 6:00am and 7:30am. Today it was a little after 7:00am. As I sit here typing my hubby is still sleeping. I suppose I'll let him get away with this for a few more weeks since Reese isn't here just quite yet! Soon though...all will change!

Yesterday my mom came over while Zac was at work and helped me get some organization done in the nursery. I was pretty organized before she came, but with the lack of a crib, changing table and dresser, there's not much I can do. So we hung up clothes and put larger sizes in plastic bins for later. She bought some cute chocolate brown and teal woven baskets at the dollar store and we put diapers and essentials in those for easy access once we have a shelf or something to set them on. We packed Reese's diaper bag as well as his back-up one for the car. His hospital bag is all packed and ready. His diaper genie is all set up and ready to go. We learned how to put the stroller up and down. Whew...we got a lot done!

The day before, Zac and I installed the carseat in the back seat of my car. My goodness are those things huge! We put it in the middle for easy access, but I can't even see my child from the front seat because it is so high with the base! And poor Zac can't move the driver seat back very far because of the carseat. I thought I had a descent sized car, but now I am shocked at how small the back seat looks!

Since things for Reese are progressing I suppose I should get things done for myself. I have attempted to pack my bag for the hospital so many times and have failed so far. Although, last night I did pull the small luggage piece I want to take out of the closet and emptied out what was in it. Small steps, small steps. I better hurry though because today marks 35 days until Reese's due date! We're very anxious to meet him but only the Lord knows when his birth date will be. So, until then we sit with anticipation and try our best to get our house, finances, and relationships in order. We're about to take a head first, no turning-back leap on the rollercoaster of a lifetime!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our First Post

Welcome to our new blog! We decided to create a blog so that we can update family and friends on the upcoming arrival of our little guy as well as all the fun adventures to come as our life completely changes.

We'll be posting pictures, stories and lessons learned in the days to come. Please check back for our next post where we'll be sharing our story of how this little guy is our miracle baby from the Lord. We love you all!

The Holmes'